Interested in helping on Sundays?

There are many opportunities to be involved in Sunday Services!  Each of these roles has a roster of volunteers who take turns to contribute based on their availability. If you are interested in one of the following ministries, please contact the Rev. Canon Gary van der Meer for more information.

Altar Guild

The members of the Altar Guild assist in the physical set-up of the church for worship. They set out the weekly communion supplies (wine, bread, chalices, linens), change the hangings on the altar through the church seasons, arrange for linens to be cleaned, and polish the brass and silver. There is also a team of people who organize flowers for the weekly services.


Members of the Servers Guild assist the clergy at worship. They perform various roles, such as bearing the cross and candles in processions, assisting in the preparation of the altar for Eucharist, to setting up and tidying the church for major events. No prior knowledge is required and training will be provided. Parishioners wishing to contribute in a Server role should contact the Rev. Canon Gary van der Meer for more information.


At each service, scripture is read by parishioners, from all ages groups. The primary requirements are a good reading voice and a love of sharing scripture with fellow worshippers. We try to offer one of the readings each Sunday in French - the words are printed in English in the Sunday bulletin - we especially welcome readers whose first language is French!


Offering prayers for the church, our community, and the world is an integral part of worship. Resources and specific training in the composition and delivery of the intercessions are provided.

Welcome Team

Each Sunday at the 10.15 a.m. service, two people are rostered to be available after worship to welcome newcomers, connect them with parishioners and the clergy, and answer questions.


Sidespeople greet visitors, hand out bulletins, ensure people are seated, take up the offering, and assist with the flow of people to communion.


Coffee, tea, juice, and snacks are provided on Sunday mornings throughout the year. If you enjoy providing hospitality, this is the role for you!