- Hymn: O Come All Ye Faithful (Common Praise #118)
- Greeting, Land Acknowledgment & Collect of the Day
- First Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7 (reading in French)
- Psalm 96: Today is born our Saviour, Christ the Lord!
- Second Reading: Titus 2:11-14
- Hymn: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Common Praise #136)
- Gospel: Luke 2:1-20
- Sermon: Gary van der Meer
- Anthem: New Prince, New Pomp (John Ireland)
- Prayers of the People
- Hymn: Silent Night (Common Praise #119)
- Doxology & Blessing
- Hymn: Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Common Praise #138)
- Dismissal