- Hymn: Let Us Build a House (Sing a New Creation #10)
- Greeting, Land Acknowledgment, Collect of the Day
- First Reading: Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9
- Psalm 24: The king of glory shall come in
- Second Reading: Revelation 21:1-6a (La Traduction oecuménique de la Bible)
- Hymn: Who are These Like Stars Appearing (Common Praise #281)
- Gospel: John 11:32-44 (First Nations Version)
- Sermon: Gary van der Meer
- Anthem: The Lord is My Shepherd (Howard Goodal)
- Prayers of the People: Garth Bulmer
- The Lord’s Prayer (sung)
- Doxology & Blessing
- Hymn: For All the Saints (Common Praise #276)
- Dismissal