- Land Acknowledgement / Gary van der Meer
- African Welcome Song: Nishimiye Ko Data Wa Twese / I Am So Glad (words below)
- Greeting & Collect of the Day / Bishop Shane Parker
- First Reading: Isaiah 8:1-6 / Idris Bachene (reading in Arabic)
- Psalm 29: Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength
- Second Reading: Romans 8:12-17 / Anastasie Barabiraho (reading in French)
- Hymn: Rejoice Today with One Accord (Common Praise #318 – words below)
- Gospel: John 3:1-17 / Kimberly Johnson (First Nations Translation)
- Sermon / Gary van der Meer
- Confirmation: Abdi, Chris & Jean Bosco / Bishop Shane Parker
- Prayers of the People / Ian Myles
- The Lord’s Prayer (sung)
- Prayer after Communion & Doxology / Bishop Shane Parker
- African Blessing Song (words below)
Hari Byinshi Byatuma Dushima Imana / We Have a Lot to Thank God For - Episcopal Blessing
- Hymn: Come Join the Dance of Trinity (Sing a New Creation #56 – words below)
- Dismissal
Nishimiye Ko Data Wa Twese / I Am So Glad
Nishimiye ko Yes’ankunda,Arankunda, arankunda
Nishimiye ko Yes’ankunda, Nubwo ntakwiriye
I am so glad that Jesus loves me
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me
I am so glad that Jesus loves me
Jesus loves even me
I am so glad that my Father in heaven
Tells of His love in the Book He has given
Wonderful things in the Bible I see
This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me
Though I forget Him and wander away
Still Jesus loves me wherever I stray
Back to His dear loving arms I would flee
When I remember that Jesus loves me
O, if there's only one song I can sing
When in His beauty I see the great King
This shall my song in eternity be
O what a wonder, that Jesus loves me
Rejoice Today With One Accord
Rejoice today with one accord,
sing out with exultation;
Rejoice and praise our mighty Lord,
whose arm hath wrought salvation.
His works of love proclaim
the greatness of his name,
For he is God alone
Who hath his mercy shown
Let all his saints adore him!
When in distress to him we cried
He heard our sad complaining.
O trust in him, whate’er betide
His love is all sustaining.
Triumphant songs of praise
To him our hearts shall raise;
Now every voice shall say,
“O praise our God alway”;
Let all his saints adore him.
Hari Byinshi Byatuma Dushima Imana / We Have a Lot to Thank God For
Biriho byinshi birakyariho, Ibyatuma tuz’imbere y’imana dushima
Nubwo twaba tunyura mubigeragezo, Haribyinshi byatuma dushima
Eeee nimuze nshuti, dufatanye tubyumve kimwe birakwiye
Ibibazo byose twibaza mumitima, Imana ibifitiy’ibisubizo
Come Join the Dance of Trinity
Come join the dance of Trinity, before all worlds begun –
The interweaving of the Three, the Father, Spirit, Son.
The universe of space and time did not arise by chance,
But as the Three, in love and hope, made room within their dance.
Come, see the face of Trinity, newborn in Bethlehem;
Then bloodied by a crown of thorns outside Jerusalem.
The dance of Trinity is meant for human flesh and bone;
When fear confines the dance of death, God rolls away the stone.
Come, speak aloud of Trinity, as wind and tongues of flame
Set people free at Pentecost to tell the Saviour’s name.
We know the yoke of sin and death, our necks have worn it smooth;
Go tell the world of weight and woe that we are free to move!
Within the dance of Trinity, before all words begun,
We sing the praises of the Three, the Father, Spirit, Son.
Let voices rise and interweave, by love and hope set free,
To shape in song this joy, this life: the dance of Trinity.