
Genesis 1:1-5; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11


This recording re-orders portions of the Sunday service - beginning and concluding with prayer - for a time of personal worship. The service referenced events specific to St John's: Celebration of a 50th wedding anniversary, invitation into conversations leading to Baptism, and support for a theological internship on the journey to ordination.

  • The Collect of the Day
  • Genesis 1:1-5
  • Acts 19:1-7
  • Hymn - "From the Waters of Creation - Sing a New Creation #25 (words below)
  • Mark 1:4-11
  • Sermon
  • Hymn - "As I Went Down in the River to Pray" - Sing a New Creation #28 (words below)
  • Prayers of the People
  • Music from Brian and Margot's Wedding
  • Prayer after Communion


"From the Waters of Creation"

From the waters of creation to the shores of Galilee
in each river sweeping onward there's a promise we can see
All who search for life in fullness, all who sing for dignity
come and drink now - don't be thirsty. God's grace ever will flow free.

From the parting of the waters to the Jordan's ancient tide
in the font, forever rising, there's a love that will abide
All who yearn for gentle mercy, all who seek community
come and wash now - don't be lonely. God's grace ever will flow free.

From the streams that Amos visioned to the pool where Jesus healed,
in the wells we build together there's a dream that is revealed:
we will work for hope and justice, we will live in unity.
Come and share now - don't be fearful. God's grace ever will flow free.


"As I Went Down to the River to Pray"

As I went down to the river to pray, studying about the good old way,
and who shall wear the starry crown, Good Lord, show me the way.

(1) O Sisters, let's go down, let's go down, come on down.
O sisters, let's go down, down in the river to Pray.

(2) brothers, (3) fathers, (4) mothers, (5) sinners