St John's now has E-TRANSFER!
Send your donation to Indicate a directed gift or general offering in the included message.


You may wish to express thanksgiving for a particular service or for a specific element of ministry or life at St John's. Or perhaps you wish to mark personal events - such as baptisms, birthdays or anniversaries - with a gift to St John's. 

If you consider it important for your donation to be dedicated to a specific purpose, please feel welcome to speak to or email our rector, The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, to indicate that you wish your donation to:

  • help support St John's current scope of ministry and operations
  • play a special part in supporting one of our Outreach or Music Ministries
  • help support the restoration and preservation of St John's historic property

If there are specific circumstances or occasions which you may wish to mark with a special donation to St John's you can make a contribution by cash, cheque or by transfer of publicly-traded securities directly to the church office. Cheques and transfers should be made to: 'St John the Evangelist'.  Receipts for income tax purposes will be provided for all donations.