Parking at St John's

Visitors to St John's can find parking spots on local streets. Metered spots are free on Sundays and after 5.30 pm weekdays. Pay close attention to maximum parking times which are in force during both paid and free parking times.

The underground parking lots at City Hall (110 Laurier Ave West) is often only $1 or $2 on the weekends and are a pleasant 3-block walk to St John's.

For Parish Volunteers: Please note that on Somerset Street side there are 3 spots marked "church staff" as well as one spot marked "church." The staff spots are reserved for the rector, director of music, and parish adminstrator. The church spot is available for volunteers. Contact the office to find out if one of the staff spots is temporarily available. Note also that on Elgin Street, the spot closest to the entrance to the Community Thrift Shop is marked "church." It is intended for shop volunteers. If all the spots are taken, you may find that you must pay for parking while volunteering. If you would like to be reimbursed for parking expense, please leave your parking receipt in the church office and will will cover it. Thanks to all our volunteers for your dedication and faithfulness.